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Il blog tecnico di Marco Breveglieri.
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New blog, new life! 🤗

2023-01-15 3 min read Marco Breveglieri

The scope of this first article is to welcome you to my new technical blog.

Why you need a new blog?

For some time I have been playing around with the idea of setting up a new space where I can share articles, news, resources and updates regarding my work, social and extra activities (why not?), always linked to my professional figure as a software developer, consultant and trainer, of course.

My historical blog (created in 2011 and mantained until now, still accessible here ) was based on the well-known CMS software WordPress. I admit it was starting to become a little tight for my needs. In fact, many of its features were delegated to plugins, which have been updated or even fully replaced in some cases over time. WordPress itself has undergone several major updates over the years. All these “migrations” involved both manual and automatic operations with some effort required. Furthermore, there were only two main types of resources: articles (posts) and pages. Updating the sidebar contents often led to several side effects. Besides all these troubles, thanks to WordPress I’ve had a nice blog for years. But now it is time for a change.

Welcome Hugo!

Given the premises stated above, I then started looking for an alternative, searching for a tool that would be

  • easier to manage and mantain,
  • less demanding in terms of server resources,
  • permeable to search engine crawlers,
  • based on standard languages that are best suited to technical content (see MarkDown),
  • less coupled with third party software requirements (no PHP runtimes, no MySQL database, etc.).

I also wanted to post resources in multiple languages (Italian and English) to broaden the audience of possible readers.

After some research, my choice has fell on Hugo . It is one of the most popular static site generators, very efficient in terms of speed and flexibility, which allows you to manage your blog offline, publishing articles using MarkDown syntax, then building your site and packing everything as a bunch of static files that can be published everywhere.

I was pleasantly surprised by how immediate this tool is, so I have chosen the right theme for my needs and started to configure it properly, publishing this first post and so… here we are opening the new blog! 😊

What to expect from this new blog?

By adopting this new platform, I will try to achieve some goals that are important to me.

I will publish different types of content: not only articles, but also news, reports, videos, announcements and many more. I will also try to do it more frequently than in the past.

In short, I want to make this blog the main channel where to convey all the updates concerning my activities I think could be interesting for the communities that share the love about the programming languages, development tools, frameworks and platforms I use everyday, for work and pastime.

I hope you will find a lot of useful resources here.

That said, see you on the next update!