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Il blog tecnico di Marco Breveglieri.
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ITDevCon 2024 Spring Edition: sun and code!

2024-05-31 6 min read Marco Breveglieri
One week has passed since the conclusion of ITDevCon 2024 European Delphi Conference Spring Edition , the conference dedicated to Delphi developers organized by bit Time Group ( bit Time Software and bit Time Professionals ). 😊 I also made my little contribution to the event giving a session dedicated to MongoDB, or rather FerretDB. But let’s go in order. Despite being shorter than its winter “big sister” counterpart (one day instead of two), this spring edition did not lack any of the ingredients that make the beauty of the event: exchanging of opinions and experiences, seasoned with a healthy dose of humor and washed down with a huge amount of interesting technical content. Continue reading

Let's meet at ITDevCon 2023 European Delphi Conference in Rome! (October, 27-28)

2023-10-23 4 min read Marco Breveglieri
Thursday 26 and Friday 27 October I will be in Rome to attend ITDevCon European Delphi Conference . The event is a must for the Delphi community and it is now an almost unmissable event, a tradition so to speak. There will be two days full of contents and updates on the most recent technologies and methodologies that intruigue us all as developers, combined with the invaluable networking and the chance to meet other colleagues to exchange experiences but also jokes and funny moments, since these are the real salt that gives flavor to everything. Continue reading